There are millions of businesses online and what they all have in common is online marketing.
Some are doing it, some are not, and some have no idea where to start.
Not all businesses have a large budget to spend on their marketing campaign. There are large corporations who are hiring social network marketers to make expensive commercials that small companies can’t compete with or so they think.
Understanding Your Business Is The Best SEO
The best online entrepreneur is the one who knows their business inside and out. From everything behind the scenes to the actual production of things. If you have a small business, you will know that you may not be able to afford employees and that you’ve had to learn everything on your own. With a low budget, it is very possible to market your business online successfully.
Search engine marketing is a fantastic and cost-effective way to market your website. There are options where you can pay for traffic with paid advertising using specific words but why do it, when you can get the search engines in your court?
All you need to do is plan out your content for each week and daily post one new article for around a week then you can drop back to three articles a week all the way down to one article once you have people interacting with your site.
If you have more time than money, it’s possible to get that traffic in only a week’s time. Search engines love content, and if you don’t have any of it, then it will be harder for search engines to find you.
Setting Up A Business Blog Is Essential
If you don’t have a blog for your business, it’s best to start now. Sign up for one of the many blogging platforms out there.
We prefer and use WordPress exclusively but if you want to go on your own you can also use sites like Blogger or Tumblr these three platforms are highly accessible and free so this will fit in well with a small business budget. Once you get your blog up, you need to start writing. Your blog posts can be shortened from 300 to 500 words.
Think articles. These posts should be useful information that pertains to your website niche. For example, if your business is about food gadgets, you can blog about recipes that can be used with the food gadgets you sell. It should always tie in with your website theme, and the information shouldn’t be found elsewhere on the internet. You want visitors to come to you.
Free Link Building Resources
Search engines need to see your website on various sites which are as strictly related to your site content as possible. Your website link should be linked to where you want the visitor to go to your site. If you have started your blog, make sure to link to your website in your post and sidebars on the blog by using a recent posts widget.
Writing articles for free article directories will get authority for you in the search engines as well.
Signing up on article directories is free and when you submit your articles, make sure to add an author bio and website link to it. Double check if your website link is correct and working. There is nothing worse than misspelt websites for potential customers.
When the search engines start picking up on your articles and people are searching for the keywords within those articles, your website will begin to gain traffic.
You can also search for any online business directories that are free to join where you can add your website listing, again this will result in a back-link to your site from in many cases a reputable and quality site in the eyes of Google.
Some very useful business directories for Australian businesses are AussieWeb with an excellent Domain Authority and Trust Flow this is an excellent place to add your website. The next is another business directory called TrueLocal which also has good Domain Authority and Trust Flow again making it the perfect place for you to get a free link back to your business site.
To have a good understanding of what your business is doing online, set up Google Analytics on your website to see where the traffic is coming from, what keywords are being used and how people are finding you.This is an important tool to use so that you can spend your time working on the best articles you can for search engines.