PSV2 Eliminates All The Frustration & Guess Work From Continuous Google Algorithm Updates, Enabling You To
Introducing The MUST HAVE WP Plugin For 2016
“Project Supremacy”
Did you know that SEO is about to make a huge comeback in 2016 and beyond?
Are you ready to take full advantage of this huge opportunity, reduce the costs of optimising your website and get much better rankings in less time.
Since the many Google algorithm updates SEO has been cast aside by a lot of online marketers and even business owners in favor of using paid traffic. It was simply easier and more efficient for there needs.
But one tool can dramatically change that because it gets websites to the top of Google QUICKLY and FOR GOOD by doing the things Google wants… Project Supremacy will automatically do all of the high level on page schematics, in JSON-LD, in such a way that Google will fall in love with your site.
The full specifications and requirements for the JSON-LD syntax are available on, and you can also use our Schema Validator tool to try out JSON-LD and debug your markup for yourself.
And because this is what Google WANTS websites to be doing the idea of “slaps” will not even exist for you…

So to all those who think SEO is dead… we’re all laughing pretty hard right now, and wishing you all the best for the future… After all, wouldn’t that mean Google is dead?
Yeah well, we all know that’s not the case.
Project Supremacy Version 2.0 is so much MORE than just using schema markup. It’s keyword research, competition research, schema, exif, content curation, YouTube embed, affiliate product research as well as short codes, interlinking to build silos and just more and more.
Yes it’s a WP plugin…but don’t worry if you have a HTML site as PSv2 also comes with an HTML Schema injector.
So How Can Project Supremacy Help You?
- Perfect On-Page SEO The Google Wants It
- Schematic Markup The Will Dominate Page 1
- Automatically Integrated – No Skills Required
- No Off-Page SEO Required – Although It Will Boost Results 100x
- The Most Essential WordPress Plugin That You Will Ever Need
- Instant Rankings and Traffic Boosts
Herc Magnus and Todd Spears have really out done themselves by creating a mind blowing SEO WP plugin that will give your website better rankings and a huge traffic boost within a few days of adding this plugin and implementing the settings.
Don’t believe me then take a look at this……

This sites position moved 14 spots in Google to number 2 in one week, no additional links being built or social influence just the installation of the Project Supremacy WP Plugin.
Still not convinced here is another…..

Within 24 hours of installing this SEO WordPress plugin another site has jumped 31 places in the Google rankings, again without any other influence except for the installation of Project Supremacy V2.0.
Think about those plugins that you always install onto every new WordPress site you create, actually with the inctor you can add it to any site you create. This will be one of them.
The proof is in the pudding, just installing the WP plugin can lead to skyrocketing rankings in Google…
Unprecedented. Revolutionary. Life changing. It’s The Real Deal.
So How Does This All Help YOU?
- Project Supremacy is the only WordPress plugin designed to perfectly do your on-page SEO in the exact way Google wants.
- By using schematic markup, JSON LD, image exif, and all of the other “fancy stuff” that will literally obliterate your competition.
- It will do all of this for you automatically, without you needing any special skill or code at all.
- You also won’t have to focus on off-page SEO, backlinking, or using Private Blog Networks… and if you DO decide to do some off-page SEO, the results will be 100x more powerful thanks to having Project Supremacy.
- Project Supremacy is ready to become one of those “essential plugins” that you immediately install onto every new WordPress site you create.
- The results are proven time and time again: instant rankings and traffic boosts, with permanent staying power, meaning more sales, commissions, and larger lists — without spending a single penny on advertising!
The Most PROVEN SEO Tool To Come To Market In A Decade