In the past, branding was reserved mostly for those large enterprises that had a lot of resources to invest in it.
However, the reason why they were the ones focusing on this aspect of their business wasn’t that they had the money to do it, but small organisations didn’t think it was worth investing in it.
However, the current business landscape is much different. There are a lot of start-ups and small business organisations that pop up regularly. Not only are there so many of them out there, but a lot of them also focus their marketing efforts online. (online Image editing services)
Given the fact that the market is saturated in this way, it has become important for small business organisations to make themselves more distinct and unique. Particularly in the online environment where there is not much, you can do to stand out from the pack, or can you?
One of the biggest aspects of branding is design and images are visuals that can be used for branding your business online. Through exceptional images you can promote your brand efficiently, and here is how you can do it.
Use Logos
One of the most distinctive parts of your designs and branding are logos. Your whole brand should be built around your logo, and all the designs should start from it. Create a logo that truly represents your business and make sure that you can reduce its size just enough to apply it on your images online, while at the same time remaining visible and entirely clear.
However, you should always look to balance your logo and make sure that it doesn’t overpower the designs you’ve implemented. Another important thing is to decide the positioning of your logo and make it consistent for most of your images. One of the best general rules that always do the trick is to put it in the bottom right corner.
By doing this, you will make sure that it doesn’t distract people, but it still has the effect to connect all of the images to your brand.
Create An Image Template
Like I mentioned before, consistency is the key in branding. Create a template that is unique and make it your top choice for all of your images. Even if you feel the need for a change, make sure that you don’t change from its foundation.
Just work on finesses, but keep the original idea intact. Not only will you be more memorable because of this, but once you’ve learned how to create your templates, you will do them so many times that it will take you no more than a minute to finish a new one.
Implement All of your Brand’s Colours
When you look at some of the images of any famous brand, you will soon realise a pattern in which they all use similar colours in their pictures. They have a palette they always use for pictures, logos, and texts within them. The same colour choice that goes on your website also goes on your images.
The idea of colours behind a brand is to invoke certain emotions and feelings which are to be associated with your brand. The same rule applies for images, and you should go for no more than four different colours on one image.
Use Images That Go Well With Your Brand
No matter if you are choosing images for the background on your website or individual posts on social media, it’s also important to have a constant theme you follow. To figure out what personality your company has and what kind of images would suit it the most, you should think about what you are offering, how you treat your customers, what your goals are and who you are addressing.
Some images should be pointed directly to your brand, while others should include things which are related to it or profoundly affect it. Others can include the solutions your brand provides. For example, if you are selling health products, you should include images with your products or images of people running or exercising with motivational text.
Layouts, colours and fonts are all necessary for creating images that represent your company and stand out from the rest. If you achieve this, your images can be a powerful catalyzer that improves brand awareness and affirms your business further in your customer’s minds.
Great article and great content! Thank you for sharing!
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