The importance of a good domain name that showcases your online business by making it memorable will help you gain credibility in the internet world.
Your domain name will reflect on the type of business you have and run.
Everyone online can easily visit your website and mention it on their own website or blog. It seems people can say whatever they want online and will review your site unknown to you. If you do a Google search, you can easily find out if anyone has mentioned your domain name, you just need to type you domain name into the search listings to see if anyone is talking about your business.
You may be surprised. This post will give you some ideas on how to name your website when selecting a domain name.
Make Sure The Name Identifies With The Product Or Service You Are Selling
A good domain name is a name that will let visitors know what your site is about quickly. When you meet people in person and they ask what you do, your domain name should be easily said and remembered. If you have to stand there and explain what your domain name is about, then you may have to question your domain name choice.
You may have run out of business cards or don’t have them on you but you want people to remember the domain long enough to type it out quickly if they choose to.
A Good Domain Name Makes It Easy To Get Word Of Mouth Marketing
Word of mouth is important to building an online business. If you have friends, family and co-workers that are proud of you and want to help you succeed in your business, they will refer people to your website. Your website should be keyword rich and not be something generic.
There are so many websites that are named after the person who are selling products.
When Should You Use A Personal Name
A domain name like is going to be difficult to remember and spell for many internet users.
Your name does not tell people what you are selling. This is only effective if you want to chat and talk with others but not for a business unless of course you are some kind of celebrity then this is the perfect domain name to have.
Other reasons why you may choose to use your name as your domain name are if you are a writer or graphic designer, your name will brand your business. If you have created a line of niche products and you want to trademark it with your name, names have been used.
Also, using your name can be a variation of your name and not the entire first, middle, maiden and last. Be wise on the name you are choosing to name your business with.
Being Specific Can Make A Huge Difference
There are so many domain names that are similar but it’s important to not use a domain that can confuse people. Do your research and find out if there are bands, companies, small businesses and more who are using similar keywords that you want to use.
For example, you may love the name buttercup but it can also be out there as lingerie domains using the word buttercup in it. If you are selling children’s clothing, you certainly don’t want potential customers to confuse you with the buttercup lingerie place.
Take your time researching because it’s so important to have a good domain name. The better your domain name, the less effort you have to use in marketing what kind of business you have. If people know right off the bat what your domain is about, your marketing efforts will be to bring in buying customers and not have to explain why you chose a domain name that doesn’t suit your business.
As an example of choosing a good domain name we have a client that sells Rainwater Tanks. After doing some research we saw that there were thousands of sites with the term rainwater tanks in their domain name all chasing that keyword to get to the top of the search engines. To overcome this we sat down with the site owner and after some discussion we discovered that he had a very unique selling proposition (USP).
This site was not only selling rainwater tanks but water tanks that we designed to fit into tight spaces around homes or business.
They do sell the big round water tanks but they also sell a slimline range and that was the market they wanted to pursue, so after a little brain storming we came up with a really good domain name being TightSpotTanks.
This business after only very short time online is appearing everywhere online under that branded name. Another upside to using the product brand is that as the site becomes an authority for its brand other pages start to rank extremely well for other products or services you may be selling check out the screen shot below.
If you look at the number just under the description you will see that these listing are the top four for the keyword.
We also used video marketing to help brand this business and expose even more products into the search engines. We use YouTube to do this and it is another very effective way to get exposure for your online business.
The screen shot below will show you the top five listing for Claytech Water Pumps which is another product TightSpotTanks sells.
As you can see with a good domain name and the right marketing strategy any business can get competitive rankings in most of the search engines. To learn more about how to pick a domain name and start your online business as well as how to create a solid web presence please use this form to contact us, its free with no obligation, you might be surprised to find that there are still good domain names available for your business.